Hall of fame
Hall of fame
2010 Denise Dufala, Jimmy Malone, Terry Moir
2009 Romona Robinson, Tom Hamilton, Kit Jensen
2008 Brian Fowler, Joe Cronauer, Neil Zurcher, John Gorman
2007 John Telich, Bill Louis, Gary Kneisley
2006 Leon Bibb, Casey Coleman, Brooke Spectorsky
2005 Ken Coleman, Walter A. Tiburski, Jim Donovan
2004 Chuck Collier, Carl Hirsch, Jack Marschall
2003 Trapper Jack, Gib Shanley, Wilma Smith
2002 Ted Henry, Tom Embrescia, Jeff Kinzbach & Ed "Flash" Ferenc
2001 Robert Conrad, Billy Bass, Tim Taylor
2000 Fred Griffith, Lynn Tolliver, Denny Sanders
1999 Charles Dolan, Don Webster, Big Chuck & Lil' John
1998 Del Donahoo, Tom Haley, Pete Franklin, John Lanigan
1997 Mike Douglas, Linn Sheldon, Joe Tait
1996 Michael McVay, Herb Score, Ernie Anderson
1995 Alice Weston, Bill Randle, Nev Chandler
1994 Dick Goddard, "Kid" Leo, Jack Moffitt
1993 Virgil Dominic, Larry Morrow, Xenophon Zapis
1992 Joe Mayer, Don Perris, Norman Wain & Robert Weiss
1991 Betty Cope, Dorothy Fuldheim, Milton Maltz